You can make cornstarch chunks or “oobleck” without an oven. Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid that’s easy to create and fun to experiment with. Here’s how to make it without an oven:
- Cornstarch
- Water
- Gather Your Materials:
- You’ll need a bowl or container for mixing and some cornstarch and water.
- Mix Cornstarch and Water:
- Start by adding cornstarch to your mixing bowl. There’s no precise measurement, but a common starting point is about 2 parts cornstarch to 1 part water. You can adjust as needed to achieve the desired consistency.
- Stir the Mixture:
- Stir the cornstarch and water mixture thoroughly until you have a thick, gooey consistency. The mixture should resemble honey or molasses.
- Test the Oobleck:
- Once you’ve mixed the cornstarch and water, you can start playing with it to see its unique properties. When you press or squeeze it gently, it behaves like a liquid, flowing and oozing. But when you apply force, such as hitting it or rolling it into a ball, it temporarily hardens and forms chunks.
- Experiment:
- Have fun experimenting with the oobleck. Try rolling it into a ball and then letting it flow through your fingers. You can also try punching or tapping it to see how it briefly hardens on impact.
- Dispose or Store:
- When you’re done playing with it, you can dispose of oobleck by allowing it to dry out or washing it down the drain with plenty of water. Oobleck is not suitable for long-term storage as it can lose its unique properties over time.
Remember that oobleck can get messy, so it’s a good idea to play with it on a surface that’s easy to clean or outdoors where spills won’t be a problem. It’s a fun and fascinating science experiment that demonstrates the properties of non-Newtonian fluids.